الأربعاء، 25 أبريل 2012

العاب جيم بوكس للبلاى ستيشن 3

Im sure all of you know who CondorStrike is by now, he is the creator of the awesome ‘Solar’ app, today he has released an app, that should save a bit of time and the annoyance of holding the power button.
His app, puts the PS3 into a pseudo recovery mode, without having to go into recovery by holding the power button, here is a quote from the source:
This app allows pseudo-recovery mode system firmware update from xmb.
I’ve tested it with Rogero CFW and Kmeaw, but should work with any Firmware that allows the PKG to install.
No more hold down power crap…lol.
If anyone wants to try on 3.55+ to try and downgrade, my answer is try it…what’s there to loose…
It should also work on PSP and PS VITA, but I haven’t tested.
I think this is a very handy app, and as always, I hope you enjoy my releases…caw!
Install PKG.
Run Condor Updater.
I am not liable if this application disables or damages your console and or handheld, use at your own risk.

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